Hey Friends, I'm Mikayla.

In 2021, we lost our son, Valor Monroe. His death was the catalyst to all you see here. That, and the Lord's steady, but persistent pursuit of my soul and calling on my life.

This is my pursuit of possessing the virtue of his name in answering the call of what it means to be a woman of valor.

I may have a ferocious fernweh for heaven, but still must use my gifts while I'm here- whether words, photos, or voice- as a vessel to hack away this path set before me for those marching behind.




The Podcast

about me

The Blog

Toiling in life's garden out loud


Read my blog

For his glory and my valor,


The story

In the wake of my son's death, God mercifully used friends and followers as a vessel to send me to the quiet countryside of England and Scotland, to retreat from the battlefield of life.
It's there, that these images were forged from the depths of the valley. I felt like I was in my very own storybook, nestled in a cottage & village that seemed to have been made from the very same substance God formed me from.

I couldn’t help but feel like a weepy child in the lap of her father, arms wrapped around me, and my head rested so closely in his chest I could almost hear the Heartbeat of Heaven.

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